I thought high school was the lowest point, but there are some nights when I come home from work and I feel like I'm falling deeper than ever. Time is the source of my sorrow and as more time passes, the more I realize how far away I am from the happiest days.
My happiest days were as a child, when there were no worries and just love. As a child I loved so much. The more I learn about the way things truly are, the more I hate this world. I see how other people hate and it takes away my enthusiasm. I used to have so much more excitement within me.
People, myself included, are becoming more disgusting every day. We are a disease on this earth. The worst part is that there are so many people who don't realize how destructive our species is. All they can think about is their own pathetic existence. This life is not about you or me. Why does everything feel so pointless?
I have always wanted to leave but I could never figure out how.