Guitar Neglect
I play my guitar late at night (unplugged) a lot now because I don't have time during the day. As a result, I usually start falling asleep as I'm playing without even realizing it. A few nights ago I woke up with my guitar at my feet, on the edge of the bed, and I was so scared and angry at myself for being so careless. So...if you know what I named my guitar, you would understand how I would feel if it had been pushed off by my feet onto the floor.
This morning I woke up with my guitar right next to me. I'm so stupid. I keep thinking, what if I had rolled over and smashed the poor thing? Worse is the fact that it has been out of its case for a while, which is really really bad for it since there is salt water right outside.
I've had it for a year and a half and so far, it still looks new because I've been so careful with it and always kept it in the case to prevent rust.
I'm becoming a bad guitar owner.

Beautiful SG! I would love to able to afford one someday...
Last night I had another weird dream. A couple of friends and I were at the record store and I was looking for the new Erase Errata CD. Someone saw it and then my best friend in the whole world screamed, "I LOVE ERASE ERRATAAAA!!!" The thing is, I've never talked to her about EE because I figured she wouldn't like them.
Anyway, I grabbed a copy, and somehow I had lots of money in my pocket, so that should have been a sign right away that I was dreaming (a few times I have become aware that I'm dreaming and started doing some crazy things's just a dream). There was a guy cashier who was this monster of a person. Everyone told me about how mean he was and how he would rip up your CDs with his bare hands after you paid for it.
Wanting to spare EE the pain of being torn apart, I tried to get away from him but he saw me. I hid EE in the shelves and then fought the monster guy. I got him good in the face a few times but I don't know who won because then I switched to another dream that I have since forgotten. Weird weird weird.
If I ever hurt any of my guitars I want to cry lol. I always get angry at my brother cos he is so careless with them. I have banned him from playing about 100 times now. I only let him play so that he lets me play his bass lol. He used to be all like "well fine you can't ever play my bass then" and I used to be like "pfft I don't care". Damn Ellie for making me want to play! I have named my guitars also... Sunshine and Pinchy :D
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