"Darling, don't you go and cut your hair."
Oh, Pavement, such wise words, but I'm afraid I must.
I'll cut my hair. It'll cover up my face. I'm going to cut my bangs so that they stop being awkward layers and start being bangs again. Maybe I'll have the Karen O look. Or maybe I'll have the Carrie look. I never know until the ladies cut me up. I explain what I want exactly the same way, but each time I end up looking different.
Last time, I left the haircut place looking like I had stepped right out of the 80's. It was bad bad bad.
Haircuts for me are like gambling. Every now and then I'll hit the jackpot and look quite decent for a few months. Most of the time, I get screwed over and try to go out in public as little as possible until some of it grows back.
My dad really doesn't like my current hair. It's so long now that the layers look weird. A couple months ago, I had the Carrie look going on, with my layers sticking out in the front and my bangs doing that cool draping thing across my face.
Carrie has the coolest hair. Period. I like all of the hairstyles I've seen on her. I thought the super-short boy cut she had a while back looked especially cute.
My hair looked something like this about two months ago (the wildness was an automatic thing for a while with all the humidity):

Who wouldn't want to have this hair? I wish I could get mine to look like that, but it usually doesn't work.

Ultra-cute boy cut (See also - One Beat album photos):

Can you post a photo of the super-short boy cut? I love her look in the opening of Fanmail with the clip on one side but I really love her recent look... you're right she really can't go wrong.
*sees photos of boy-cut* *Remembers the badass look in the One Beat*
yeah... photos of Carrie like those often leaves me gasping or in a stupor.
GODDAMNIT I'm so regretting not going to NYC to see s-k... DAMN IT!!!
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