Kill me now, please.
I noticed the color difference right away when I switched to my second can of paint, but the numbers were exactly the same, so I figured the difference was because this paint was wet and the paint on the wall was somewhat dry. This morning I checked on it and I wanted to shoot myself in the face.

F*@% !
I asked my dad if the paint guys shook it up real good when he bought it. He said they did. Uh huh, so someone really screwed up, and it wasn't me. I was busting my butt trying to get the room done in a single day and then some paint guys had to mess it up. THANKS.
My dad has returned with a new can of paint. The paint guy said they must have left something out of the second can. Oh, wonderful! He should go work at some place like McDonald's where his irresponsibility will only cost people a few minutes to realize their order is wrong.
I am NOT in the mood to fix this today. But I must. Damn you.
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