Leeds looked so good.

I just got a copy of the Leeds footage shot by "lost" (from sk.net). It's beautiful! After watching the last clip, I had a mini seizure because I was so overwhelmed by how great they were. Seriously, each song was more powerful than the last, if that's even possible. Carrie and Corin did the most amazing (drumless) version of Good Things. It was slow and emotional. I want to say that it's actually better than the studio version. Those ladies keep topping themselves. You can't decide what's better or worse when comparing S-K songs to S-K songs. They're all incredible.
Oh dear, what is the postmark date on that package? (click on it) *gasp*
My dad took us for a drive last week to go buy a new refrigerator. I forgot my iPod at home (a pitiful teenager am I) so I resorted to taking pictures.

I hate my holy pants. I never wanted to wear holy pants in the first place. Now the holes are huge because I keep accidentally sticking my toes through them. See a previous post for the angry rant.

We're going to town.

Along the way, we saw trees and mountains.

And more mountains.

And...you guessed it...mountains.

Did I mention that we saw trees?

Somewhere along the way, a shopping cart stole the show and my arm made an appearance.

We also saw boats.

I apologize for being redundant. The only decent pictures I took turned out to be of mountains, trees, and boats.

I do like the look of that blue sky, though. Compare it to the earlier non-town pictures of mountains and trees. It's always sunny downtown.

A fireboat!

I leave you with one final picture of trees (and a beautiful blue sky!). I'll try to improve my camera skills so that next time I'll actually have a nice variety to share.
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