Carrie-word of the week
This is the first installment in a new weekly vocabulary adventure.
The lovely Sana has uploaded a pile of old articles to the site. I'm slowly reading through them. As always, Carrie Brownstein is using words that I have never seen before.
In the solemn spirit of the fifth anniversary of 9/11, today we will explore Carrie's commentary on President Bush.

Venus - April 2004
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Obfuscation -
"Ob-fus-cate: verb [trans.] render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible; bewilder (someone)"
-Oxford American Dictionary
Carrie's context:
"How can people tolerate a president who uses obfuscation to gain support?"
The obligatory "visceral":
"I just want people to think about their quality of life and how it actually feels, on a visceral level, to be alive under this president."
Thank you, Carrie, for never ceasing to expand our minds.
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