I dreamt last night that I was back in Portland. S-K was putting on a third show. The same people were back again and we were waiting outside the door. It opened and we all ran up to the third floor (not the balcony). We lined up along the stage and waited for the ladies to come out. For some reason, the dream only consisted of the waiting, the rush up the stairs, and the standing along the stage.

The anticipation, waiting outside all day, then the adrenaline rush of running upstairs is what I remember best from the actual Portland experience. The first moment I realized Janet had walked past me with her drum throne will go down as one of the greatest shocks of my life. Seeing Corin beaming at us, walking a few yards from her car to the CB's front door, left me speechless. The insanity continued until Carrie showed up, walking briskly and bouncily down the line as if she was walking down a wall with gravity pulling her forward. As she passed, her 27 looked back at our stupefied faces. Awww, I miss it. I can still see these images in my mind. What a great trip.
I can't believe I'll never be able to do it again. After over a month, I'm beginning to remember more of it. It's strange that the moment each show ended, I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't remember what had just happened. It seemed like I was experiencing the impossible.
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