Amp innards and random truths from my life.

The mysterious black box.
(No longer mysterious thanks to's the reverb.)

Wires and circuits and...stuff.
Tonight at taekwondo, the instructor talked about the recent triple murder. He talked about how a .45 handgun makes a hell of a hole. He talked about how terrifying it must have been for the married couple that was killed. He told us not to become one of the people who thinks "That'll never happen to me."
I was on the verge of crying when he asked me if I ever think about whether I'll need to defend myself when I work at night. I told him I think about it all the time. He asked me if I ever worry about something happening to myself or my family. I told him yes. He seemed satisfied with this. I know it could be my parents, my brother, or me.
I must have been my brother's age, or slightly younger, when I saw a guy punch my dad in the back of the head. I was so scared and angry that I just cried and cried, even though there really wasn't anything to cry about.
Last night I had a dream that S-K signed my 8/11 and 8/12 ticket stubs. I showed Janet my drum set, too (somehow they were in my house??). She smiled and said it was cool. I can't believe this dream streak. I blame it on too much S-K excitement during my waking hours.
...Are you trying to borrow parts from this to make yr tube transistor headphone thingy?
word verification is: rovjsjcy!
I'm hoping to attach the speaker from this guitar amp to a new guitar tube amp if I ever end up making one.
I'm in a very intense DIY stage right now. :)
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