Let's Call It Love

"So you want to be entertained?"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

S-K message board peeps

I have to admit that I'm a bit worried. I love everyone at the S-K message board and it makes me so happy to see everyone working together to make sure we all have tickets, but I'm still afraid that real fans who truly need tickets might have to face the scalpers.

There's so much to do!
There's so much to worry about!

Yet, it seems like I'm in this with some really great people. Just knowing that we're all going through the same thing at the same time makes me feel a whole lot better.

I'm gonna try to get up at 4am to help out with the DC ticket tracking. I don't know how much help I could possibly be, but I figured that with everyone scrambling to get their own tickets, it might help to have someone who can dedicate her complete attention to tracking the progress.

I apologize in advance if I sleep through the entire thing, which is a very real possibility.

I don't know what it is that's so great about this song, but it's got me hooked:

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly lose more weight, I went and did just that. My mom has me on a new diet that has no sugar and virtually no fat. It's mostly fruit, bread, and veggies. Every morning I take around 10 vitamin supplements. I'm drinking nothing but water. I'm averaging around 1.5 liters a day. My skin is improving, but I liked how my body looked filled-in and not grossly thin like I used to be. I liked how my neck was starting to look like a neck rather than a twig. Now all that progress is gone and I'm back to having my shorts falling off.


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