No Sleep
I can't sleep.
It's 12:23 AM.
Tickets go on sale at 10 AM.
For some reason, all I can think about right now is how I forgot what my parents and my brother looked like when I went away. I took two trips without them. Each was only for a week. They were taekwondo tournaments.
As each day passed, I slowly lost sight of them. The more I struggled to remember, the more I forgot. I tried to picture them in my head but it never seemed right. I would get scared and then almost start panicking when it got to the point where I couldn't see them at all.
How scary is it to be forgotten?
How scary is it to be shot in the head?
That's what happened to Jason and his wife. I can't help but wonder what that's like. Do you feel it, or is it an instant end? It's one of the worst ways to go. I would think the worst part would have been seeing the other get shot, and then to see the gun turn, the barrel pointed at your face, and then to hear the shot. That split second must have lasted forever.
How scary is it to be alive?
Today I was cutting a laminate plank and the table saw launched a small flake of wood at me. It hit my arm and buried itself there. It made a tiny hole and stuck out as if all it ever wanted was just to be seen. I was amazed just looking at it - how it had been moving so fast that it managed to attach itself to me. The last time a scrap of wood flew at me, it was much bigger and hit me square in the abdomen. It left a nice scrape and bruise. A few specks hit me really hard in the face today. I think the blade is too dull. Some came close to my eyes, so I started getting scared. I have my glasses, but I really want goggles. The flakes have really sharp edges and I don't want any accidents.
I really don't like this job. I never want to be a carpenter. I like my fingers, thank you.

Start together.

"Don't worry, you got it."

"There's a part of me that works just like a child."
The pictures are messed up but I have no idea how to fix it.
I'm too tired to figure it out. Blogger always has this effect on me. Good old Blogger. Good night.
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